With the right insights, you launch great campaigns

Knowledge of the products, creativity and packaging are some factors that often lie behind good campaigns. But taking campaigns to the next level requires a bit more. Behind fantastic campaigns is solid work to gain a deeper understanding of the target groups and data analysis.

Which target groups and personality types respond?

Think of a time when a campaign really reached out and spoke to you. What was it that made you stop and take notice? What was that little extra that inspired your purchase? In order to succeed with both the big and the small, solid insights into what triggers your target groups are required.

Knowledge of the target groups is based on demographic variables that group them by, for example, gender, age, region, and education. The statistics are provided via your CRM systems or more blunt tools such as Google Analytics. But grouping the target groups according to overarching variables is only the beginning.

The next step is to profile them according to their personalities. Do you have spontaneous customers or buyers who always do thorough research before pouncing? Two typical categories that trigger completely different campaigns. If you really want to do your homework, the next step is to go even deeper and find out why they make their purchases and what needs your products actually fulfill.

Figuring out personality types among your buyers is more demanding than producing demographic variables. If you do not have the information, you will need to do a qualitative study. Either you do it yourself by inviting your type of customers to focus groups, or you outsource the task to a research company. Regardless, it is a very good investment that will pay for itself many times over, as you are then able to optimize your campaigns over time.

With insights into demographics and personality types, you can paint a clearer picture of your customers. A fun way to initiate discussion in the marketing department before a campaign is to name the personality types, e.g., diligent Lisa, family-loving Ola and hesitant Helen. Make sure each customer type is distinct to maximize impact.

Once the insights about your customers are in place, it is time to quantify their potential.

Are you aiming with the right numbers?

How often have you been asked: How much will the campaign bring in? A question that can be answered with gut feeling and experience from previous similar campaigns, but which more often today requires data analysis.

From your e-commerce platform, you export the results of previous campaigns and collect all the data in an Excel spreadsheet. Use your customer types and group the numbers accordingly. Then it is about classic desktop research to find out how the outside world can influence the campaign. Have competitors launched new products in the same category? Have new competitors materialized? Have the prices changed? Social factors that influence? And of course, many more questions.

When the matrix is ​​ready, influencing factors are weighted based on probability and how strongly the result of your campaign may change. If previous campaigns yielded X, future campaigns may result in X+Z because you discovered a trend that you can use.

The matrix is ​​a so-called “living document” that is updated regularly to create the most benefit when planning your campaigns.

What really gave what?

It is not possible to recommend a specific attribution model as it depends entirely on the type of conversion you are looking for. However, all platforms want to help you get the right numbers so that you can also use them for your future campaigns. Google, Meta (Facebook and Instagram) and the banner networks can all supply statistics that you can import into your own models.

One suggestion is to use Google Analytics and the Cost Analysis function. There you can see information about visits, costs, and revenue for your paid marketing channels. The report compares the cost of each campaign with the corresponding revenue so you can quickly see the results.

Once the process is in place with analysis of the target groups, weighted forecasts and attribution, you will not only be able to answer the question "What will the campaign give?", but also have the basis for launching creative campaigns that reach and break new records.

Our latest guide will help you along the way

We at Litium have developed a guide for how to increase ROI on your digital campaigns. You get concrete tips that you can use to take your campaigns to the next level.

 Download the guide here!

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