Experts advise: Expect greater demand than usual during Black Week

Black Week, which now marks the start of Christmas shopping, is soon upon us. This sale period has gained an increasingly stronger hold on the Swedish market. However, the recent transformative events and a weaker economy have changed the conditions for this year.

We spoke with Jakob Twedmark, CEO at Motillo, about what you can expect during this year's Black Week.

What are your expectations for Black Week this year?

I think we can expect greater demands. Given that consumers have been hit by high costs during the autumn, I think more people will plan their Christmas gift shopping during Black Week. At the same time, it will be interesting to see how many e-tailers choose to abstain from Black Week for reasons of sustainability. It was already noticeable last year, and it will certainly be evident this year as well.

Have you noticed that your customers have chosen a different strategy this year?

Some of our customers have been affected by stock shortages due to the world situation and will therefore not be pushing as hard with campaigns – existing stock is already being sold as is. Overall, most retailers today have a profitability focus that is greater than last year, and this will likely affect the strategies to some extent this year.

What are your top tips for retailers out there to succeed?

To plan your campaigns well in advance and to prepare for high volumes. It may also be a good idea to think about strengthening your email list during this period. Even if customers choose not to make any purchases, there are many visits to the site and that is a good opportunity to collect email addresses for the future.

Is there anything else that is important to consider?

Ensure that there is a high level of availability with the external partners you work with. An extended SLA may be needed during this week, in order to handle any issues that may arise outside of office hours.

In a nutshell

It seems like we should be prepared for a different sort of Black Week this year. As a retailer, you need to be prepared for a greater demand than usual, and it is important to be prepared in order to optimize sales. We at Litium are happy to help you with performance measurements, and review of your website to ensure that the technology is working as it should. Do not hesitate to contact us!

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