7 tips to convert more visitors into customers

In e-commerce there are two major challenges: getting potential customers to find your site and getting visitors to make a purchase. Many spend a lot of time and resources optimizing for website traffic, but not everyone optimizes their site for conversion. We have put together a list of seven useful tips to convert your visitors into customers.

1. Optimize for mobile devices πŸ“±

Today, more and more visits to e-commerce sites take place via mobile devices. It is therefore important that your site is attractive and functional, regardless of whether the visitor uses a computer or mobile device. For many, the purchase is completed on a computer, so don't be alarmed if you see many abandoned shopping carts from mobile devices. Instead, make sure that you can connect visitors' different devices so that it is easy for them to switch between their mobile device and their computer.

2. Good product images πŸ›οΈ

For many products, images are the most important thing influencing the visitor to choose to make a purchase. Therefore, make sure to take high-quality photos that show the product from several different angles. In addition, having pictures of people using the product has been shown to make it easier for visitors to put themselves in the picture, which increases the willingness to buy.

3. Use clear bulleted lists πŸ“

Using bulleted lists is an effective way to give visitors all the necessary information gathered in a concentrated area. Here you should include measurements, colour, and material properties, such as the most important advantages of the product. As a visitor, you should simply find answers to all your most important questions about the product by reading the bulleted list.

4. Show off your customer reviews β­β­β­β­β­

Visitors often feel more confident in purchasing a product if others have purchased it before and were satisfied with the experience. Therefore, add the option to give a review when they complete a purchase. Make sure it's easy to leave a review, for example, many use a 5-point rating system with the option to add a comment.

5. Ensure a smooth check-out βœ…

The most common reason customers abandon their baskets is that checkout is too cumbersome. If they have to fill out forms, keep them to a minimum and use services that automatically look up the customer's information. Also, do not force the customer to create an account, but show the advantages of having an account with you. For example, you can describe how easy it will make the next purchase, something that many customers appreciate.

6. Offer secure payment πŸ’³

Feeling safe when making payments online has become increasingly important. A customer who does not recognize the payment options, or who must give out their card number to an unknown payment actor, is less likely to complete the purchase. Therefore, use trusted actors such as Klarna, Payson, Trygg E-handel and Soliditet Rating, so that visitors dare to complete the purchase.

7. Use exit intent βš οΈ

Many browsers today can identify if a visitor is about to leave the page. You can take advantage of this by giving a so-called exit intent pop-up. For example, it could be a reminder that the visitor still has items in the shopping cart or provide an offer if they decide to complete the purchase right away. However, be sure to vary your response so customers don't get used to receiving special offers every time.

With these tips, you are almost guaranteed to increase the conversion of visitors to customers. 🎈Just remember that the work on your e-commerce site is never really done. It is important to constantly test new solutions and see what works best for you and your customers. Need help? Do not hesitate to contact us at Litium.

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